What is the Process?


High Fidelity Wraparound is a voluntary community-based program for Medicaid youth who risk hospitalization or other out-of-home placement due to complex behavioral needs.

Magellan manages the application process for all High Fidelity Wraparound applicants, regardless of waiver eligibility of the youth. This supports the intent of the Medicaid waivers, to offer High Fidelity Wraparound as the model for intensive care coordination, and not simply an insurance benefit. Our new process connects Family Care Coordinators with the family as the first point of contact in the eligibility process.

The enrollment process has the following steps

  • A typed Referral is sent to Magellan (handwritten information will not be accepted).
    • There is no wrong door to refer potential enrollees to High Fidelity Wraparound.
    • Verify any Medicaid Number used for this process is active for youth at time of referral
  • Magellan outreaches family to get a verbal choice of provider
    • Magellan notifies Family Care Coordinator/Agency of the family’s choice via email
  • Agency must respond to Magellan via email that they either accept or decline the referral for High Fidelity Wraparound.
    • In the event the chosen Family Care Coordinator/Agency does not respond to Magellan within a 48-hour period, the family will be encouraged to choose a different FCC/Agency.
  • Family Care Coordinator contacts the family within three calendar days of Magellan’s notification to confirm Medicaid eligibility. The first meeting is scheduled during this first contact.
  • Family Care Coordinator should call Magellan’s care worker at 1-855-883-8740 when assistance is needed to select an Independent Assessor in order to complete the CASII/ECSII – or select from active provider list
  • Family Care Coordinator will assist the family with the Level of Care See page five of the application. This must be completed by a Wyoming licensed clinician; anyone licensed who can attest to or provide a valid mental health diagnosis
  • Family Care Coordinator will initiate application
    • Ensure all proper signatures and documentation are complete
    • Access the application with your provider.
      • The CASII instrument is a separate document and should be provided by the Independent Assessor
      • The Release of information forms are provided by each provider and should be kept in the providers records
    • If the youth has a current Medicaid ID number, submit applications through the provider portal, www.magellanprovider.com
    • If the youth does not have a current Medicaid ID number, submit application via email to WYClinical@MagellanHealth.com
    • Please complete each page of the application in its entirety and ensure proper signatures on each page. Failure to do this will result in incomplete enrollment and non-authorization of High Fidelity Wraparound.
  • If no evidence of engagement occurs in the first 30 days, and we do not receive application and accompanying documents, the youth will be disenrolled

If at any time you have any questions, reach out to us!

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