

Family & Stakeholder Newsletter

Our monthly newsletter comes to you directly with information regarding Magellan’s High Fidelity Wraparound program in Wyoming, other resources for youth and their families, along with shares articles from national sources. We look forward to serving your needs. Please reach out with any feedback about how we can improve upon the content we provide.

We always want to hear from youth and families about their experiences. If you have information, ideas or resources to share, please get in touch with us so we can help share those messages.

State Actions to Prevent and Mitigate Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

Experiencing adversity in early life can affect a person’s health, well-being, and success into adulthood. This brief highlights the recent work of nine states (Alaska, California, Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, Wyoming) to prevent and mitigate adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and to implement trauma-informed practices at the state level. COVID-19 has brought additional attention to the impact of ACEs and trauma across the lifespan, which may be exacerbated by disruption in the lives of families; increased family stressors; income, food, and housing insecurity; social isolation; and school closures. Discover more. 

Youth, Young Adults and Families Wanted! Survey on Telehealth for Wraparound

A new report from the National Wraparound Initiative describes findings from the NWI survey on Wraparound providers’ experiences using telehealth. Now, we are working on getting youth and family perspectives on their experiences with telehealth for Wraparound. If you are a youth/young adult or family member who has participated in telehealth for Wraparound – or services like counseling or peer support provided through telehealth as part of Wraparound – we’d love it if you could contribute to this work by taking the 3-minute NWI Telehealth Survey for Youth, Young Adults and Families.

Medicaid & Kid Care Chip Enrollee Contact Information Updates

It is important to notify the Wyoming Department of Health Customer Service Center to report address and phone number changes.  The changes can be made online or by calling 1-855-294-2127.  It will help Medicaid contact you when it’s time for health plan renewal.

Kids Rarely Do Better than their Parents

Now in the third year of the pandemic, families may be worrying about the milestones their children have missed out on but tending to their social-emotional needs first will help kids succeed in other ways over time. Here’s what to do.

Tips to Help Your Child Manage Scary News

Whether from television news reports, the car radio, digital media or adult discussions, children are often bombarded with information about the world around them. Children may become frightened and overwhelmed when the events being described include violence, extreme weather events, a disease outbreak, or discussions of more dispersed threats such as climate change. Keep these tips in mind as you help your child through scary times.