Provider Toolkit


We have collected so many valuable tips and tricks as we train throughout the state. We wanted to share these gems with you, Wyoming’s providers of High Fidelity Wraparound.

Youth and Family Training

Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation

Support Groups

Building Resilience

Create a Coat of Arms –

  • As a family, creating a coat of arms could be helpful in building hope. Here are two documents that can guide this exercise:
    • Blank coat of arms
      • The four quadrants should focus on Values, Gifts, Hopes/Dreams and Gratitude
      • Outside the coat of arms, families can focus on supports
      • The ribbon area should include the family’s motto.
    • A sample coat of arms
      • See how this tool was used with a family.

Create Mission Statement

  • You can help the families you’re working with on creating personal mission statements. Here’s a sample to guide discussions.

Safe Coping Skills

Social Thinking

Trauma Informed Care